Area Rug Cleaning and Care

Area Rug Cleaning and CareIt takes a special set of skills and tools to care for and clean your prized area rug. At Albuquerque Thoroclean, we offer full service area rug cleaning. Our cleaning process removes allergens, dust mites, sand, dirt, and hair trapped between fibers. We have what it takes to clean all types of rugs, including synthetic, oriental, wool, natural fiber, hair on hide, and more.

One reason area rug cleaning is so important, especially in a place like New Mexico, is because of dust. Area rugs tend to accumulate more dust than the carpet in your house. One study by the Eureka corporation found that a single 9’ x 12’ area rug could hold 87lbs of dust! The problem with all of this dust is that every time you walk over your rug, the dust is grinding away at the fibers of the rug.

Any good area rug cleaning process involves a step where the rug is gently dusted using specialized techniques designed specifically for that purpose. At Albuquerque Thoroclean, we use a specialized vibrating machine to loosen even the deepest dust in your rug. For more information on our area rug cleaning process, check out our area rug cleaning page.

Area rug tips

Besides regular cleanings, what else should you do to make your area rug last? Well, it’s a good idea to use an all-surface pad under your rug. You can also rotate your rug once a year to help prevent traffic lanes. You can also vacuum your rug to help keep dust out of it, as long as the construction of your rug will allow it — make sure you check first! If you have pets, it’s a good idea to brush their hair out of the rug. A vacuum can oftentimes leave pet hair behind.

Give us a call today for all of your area rug cleaning needs!

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