Carpet Cleaning in Albuquerque

Carpet Cleaning in AlbuquerqueWhy carpet cleaning in Albuquerque is best left to the pros.

Whether it is to get rid of the musties after a long winter or that smell of the new puppy that has now just become house broken, everyone loves the smell of freshly cleaned carpets.

The question is do you clean them yourself or hire a professional cleaning company? There are plenty of advertisements that will entice you to rent a “professional” machine with the idea that you can save money and end up with the same results.

So, like many others, you give in to the advertisements and dedicate a weekend to your wall-to-walls. After an entire day of pushing and pulling and filling and emptying and covering and drying are you impressed with the final results?

Probably not. Why? Let us educate you on the “plush” facts.

The size of the machine matters greatly. Rental carpet cleaners are small and light. They need to be or you would never be able to lift them in and out of your vehicle, let alone tote them around your house. But…to be that compact they are limited on power.

Like any other machine, the bigger and heavier it is, the bigger and heavier the internal motors and pumps it will have. To get the suction and water pressure needed to really do a deep clean on your carpets, without leaving them soggy, you need the power of the bigger machines.

Still not convinced? The below list is what can happen from DYI carpet cleaning.

  • The carpet de-laminates from too much water. This is when the primary back separates from the secondary causing a wrinkle effect in the carpet that can’t be stretched out.
  • Wet carpets that won’t dry for days.
  • Mold – YIKES, that is a serious issue.
  • Overall poor results. The carpets are still dirty and now smell worse because they won’t dry.
  • Discoloration caused by over wetting.
  • High trafficked areas that become soiled quickly from a residue of detergent left behind.
  • The carpet shrinks from excessive moisture.

In some cases the mold or damage is too extreme to be fixed and the carpet needs to be replaced.
We also hear stories about expensive portable machines that were purchases but are now collecting dust in closets and basements. Of course, we hear these stories as we professionally clean their carpets.

So, yes, even though the idea of saving a few dollars and giving up only one weekend a year is appealing, make sure you understand the risks before you load up your rental machine, detergent and spend a day trying to bring your carpets back to their newly installed selves.

Call Thoroclean today at (505) 883-0437, or Contact them for a Free Estimate for your Floor and Tile Care Needs!

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