Professional Carpet Cleaning Service in Albuquerque

A Summer with Kids Equals a Professional Carpet Cleaning Service in Albuquerque

Professional Carpet Cleaning Service in AlbuquerqueIf your house was as crazy as ours over the summer with kids and animals constantly running in and out, you will need to call in the big guns to get those carpets cleaned.

In the meantime, Thoroclean, a professional carpet cleaning company in Albuquerque, is happy to offer some helpful tips for quick fixes on messy spots.

Chewing gum is especially fun to get out of a plush carpet. Apply a bag of ice directly on the gum. Let it freeze completely before using your fingers or a dull knife to peel off the sticky substance. You may have to do this a couple of times to get all of the gum.

Spilled drinks, with added food coloring, are a mom’s worse nightmare. Use a damp, clean cloth and blot the stain gently. Don’t rub too hard as this can damage the carpet fibers. To help draw out excess moister sprinkle salt on the area. Let it stand for a few hours and then vacuum.

Foot prints of baby’s feet in plaster are a true keep sake. Muddy foot prints through the house are not! Your best bet is to let the mud dry and then vacuum. Some mud will disappear completely, red clay is not one of those muds. Use a damp cloth with a little vinegar to remove the worse of the red clay stains.

And no summer would be complete without a bloody knee, elbow or nose. Use a cloth dampened with water and peroxide and gently blot the area. It’s best to catch it before it dries. Of course, this might mean stuffing tissues under your child’s nose until you can get the blood off the carpet. 🙂

On top of the summer spills and mishaps, the New Mexico winds aren’t just blowing a cooling breeze throughout your home. Along with the breeze comes pollutants, contaminants and pollen!

So, now that the kids are back in school call a company that is reliable and professional. Call Thoroclean today to get your estimate at 505-883-0437. Your carpets will look brand new and your home will be healthy and clean.

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