Removing Blood Stains from Carpet

Dealing with blood stains on your carpets can be a total nightmare, but don’t freak out just yet! With some elbow grease and the right techniques, you can make those stains disappear.

The key is to act fast before the blood has time to really set in. The sooner you start cleaning, the better your chances of getting rid of the stain completely.

Act Immediately

At the first sign of blood, gather your stain-fighting tools – gloves, paper towels, dish soap, vinegar, cold water, enzyme cleaner, dull knife. Immediate action gives the best chance of full removal before the blood bonds to fibers. Don’t wait for it to dry.

Blot Excess Liquid

For fresh stains, blot up excess blood gently with paper towels. Applying pressure extracts liquid before it penetrates deeper. Don’t scrub or spread it around. Switch out towels as needed until little remains.

Flush with Cold Water

Now flush it out. Cold water prevents blood proteins from setting compared to hot. Mix dish soap and cold water in a spray bottle. Lightly spray the stain, soak up moisture with towels. Repeat flushing until gone. Avoid aggressive scrubbing.

Break Down with Vinegar

For dried blood, use vinegar. Its acidic properties dissolve blood’s proteins. Mix one part vinegar and two parts cold water in a spray bottle. Lightly spray, place damp towel over the area for 10-15 minutes. Vinegar needs time to work. Blot up moisture, repeat if needed.

Use Enzyme Cleaner

For the final clean, apply an enzyme cleaner like OxiClean following instructions. Enzymes break down organic matter like blood. Let sit briefly, then blot residue. Allow to fully dry. Enzymes remove any leftover hints of blood.

Disinfect for Safety

Once removed, disinfect with a non-bleach cleaner to eliminate biohazards and bacteria. Carefully follow product instructions. Most need to remain wet for 5-10 minutes. Blot dry and allow time to fully air dry.

Call Professionals

For stubborn stains, contact professional carpet cleaning companies, like the pros at Albuquerque carpet cleaning company ThoroClean. They have industrial-grade solutions and equipment like hot water extraction. Explain the situation discretely so they know which methods work best. They can likely remove most all traces of blood.

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