Why Water Should Not be Used for Cleaning Your Furniture

Why Water Should Not be Used for Cleaning Your FurnitureWhy Water should not be used for Cleaning your Furniture made of synthetic fibers

The simple fact is that plain drinking water can ruin your sofas, chairs and love seats, forever. So, before you try to blot out the spilled grape juice or mushed-in ketch up with a damp cloth, read this article.

Rayon is one of the most popular fabrics on the market right now. It is a man-made fiber similar to cotton and mostly pure cellulose. It can have a high sheen, feel sleek and look fabulous. We totally get why people love it for their couches and chairs.

The problem is that when water or anything with water in it or on it touches the material, the fibers swell. Even when the fabric dries the fabric stays swollen. They then reflect light massively compared to the fibers untouched by water. Once this happens there is nothing you can do to “unswell” the fibers. Bummer, now you have a forever spot on your fabulous couch.

Also, Rayon fibers can weekend by almost 40% when they get wet so you can’t regularly clean the upholstery with water. If you have kids or a mess spouse, you are going to want to ban them from eating or drinking on your furniture.

Steam cleaners your rent can be just as disastrous to your furniture.

Several brands come with upholstery attachments. Unfortunately, while you may say money, steam on its own will not clean fabrics. All you will do is make your sofa very hot and maybe remove a slight amount of soil if you are using an absorbent pad.

And again, if your furniture is covered with synthetic materials you can completely ruin the fabric with this method. The melting point for synthetic fabrics is very low and the steam is very hot. Get the picture? We have seen a couple of couches or chairs that are “melted”.

The moral of the story – by trying to save money and attempting to clean your carpets or furniture yourself, you could be costing yourself a lot!

If you do have furniture covered in Rayon or other synthetic materials, contact a professional cleaning company to have your sofas and chairs beautified. Professional cleaning won’t fix old water stains but it can keep your furniture looking fabulous for years.

At Thoroclean, our trusted upholstery cleaning technicians will take the time to identify the particular fibers needing to be cleaned. We also look for problem spots so we can provide a little extra attention in these areas to make your furniture look like new again.

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